We provide specialist consultancy to the petroleum industry, covering the entire asset lifecycle from planning to abandonment. Services include Well Planning including pore pressure and fracture gradient (PPFG) assessment, wellbore stability predictions (WBS), well path planning, anti-collision management, Well Design including casing and tubular program, drilling engineering, drilling optimization, real time monitoring and interpretation, PPFG / WBS monitoring during drilling and post-drilling analyses.

Pore pressure & ‘fracture gradient’ assessment (PPFG)

When drilling any well, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the pore pressure and ‘fracturegradient’ conditions to avoid influxes and lost circulation, choose appropriate mud weights and optimize well design. In Deepwater environments, this prediction becomes critical due to the low margin between the pore pressure and the fracture gradient (narrow ‘drilling window’) in young and under-compacted sediments. The relationship between the pore pressure and ‘fracture gradient’ is also critical when drilling depleted formations due to the likelihood of ‘stress coupling’ of the fracture gradient to depletion. We offer a full pore pressure – fracture gradient interpretation and prediction service, including remote real or ‘relevant’ time monitoring during drilling.

Wellbore stability assessment (WBS)

Where geomechanically ‘sensitive’ formations are present, uncontrolled wellbore failure (breakout) may lead to drilling, logging and completion difficulties such as tight hole, stuck pipe, packing off, a requirement for significant reaming and/or backreaming, poor quality log data, additional wiper trips or even lost hole sections. The conditions under which those formations will fail, and the likely severity of failure can be predicted by using a geomechanical model, where estimates of key parameters (pore pressure, in situstresses and mechanical properties) are developed and calibrated against offset well drilling experience to create a predictive tool for planned wells. The resulting geomechanical profile (PPFG and wellbore stability plot) helps inform both the well design and drilling practices with the aim of reducing Non-Productive Time related to hole problems. It is not always necessary to completely prevent wellbore breakout (depending on well objectives), as a limited extent of wellbore failure can generally be tolerated. However, specific drilling, hole cleaning and tripping practices are required to manage the resulting hole conditions. The critical issue is to understand the sensitivity of the formation to changes in wellbore pressure and fully integrate the WBS results into the well design and drilling program.

Well Path Planning & Anti-collision management

Rock properties, torque and drag, cost, and the location of existing wells can all cause potential problems and affect the optimal well trajectory. Accurate positioning of the wellbore in the target zone is a critical element to maximizing recovery in any well that is drilled. With the rise in the number of complex wells that involve multi-laterals, severe deviations and long horizontals, this becomes even more important. More horizontal wells are being drilled faster, closer together, with thin target zones, and in previously developed fields. We must drill quickly while avoiding geologic hazards and well collisions to steer the bit to the profitable pay zone. To respond, our services includes directional well path planning, survey data management, anti-collision analysis and management using latest ISCWSA survey tool models, In Field Reference modelling and multi station analysis to minimize the positional uncertainty.

Well Design

Casing, Liner and tubing strings are a significant cost and safety component of a well construction. At SMC we use state of the art application to design casing and tubing for the well which fulfill the requirement of safety meanwhile reducing the cost of well tubulars. Tubular program are developed while considering casing wear limits, tri-axial and working stress design for burst, collapse and axial installation, and service- life loads to maximize the use of the most cost-effective casing for each particular section. Our services also includes casing & tubing designing for HP/HT environments such as deep water and heavy oil. Calculation of downhole temperature and pressure profiles, pipe body movement analysis, casing and tubing load analysis, annular pressure buildup and wellhead movement evaluation.

Drilling Engineering & Optimization

Casing, Liner and tubing strings are a significant cost and safety component of a well construction. At SMC we use state of the art application to design casing and tubing for the well which fulfill the requirement of safety meanwhile reducing the cost of well tubulars. Tubular program are developed while considering casing wear limits, tri-axial and working stress design for burst, collapse and axial installation, and service- life loads to maximize the use of the most cost-effective casing for each particular section. Our services also includes casing & tubing designing for HP/HT environments such as deep water and heavy oil. Calculation of downhole temperature and pressure profiles, pipe body movement analysis, casing and tubing load analysis, annular pressure buildup and wellhead movement evaluation.

Completion Modeling

Modeling fluid flow through the complex completion being used now a days is beyond traditional reservoirsimulation and nodal capabilities because it should combine an accurate reservoir inflow with highly detailed wellbore model. To address this at SMC we use state of the art software which uses 2D mesh of nodes (same as reservoir simulators) to simulate flow along the pipe instead of 1D topology. This technique reduces the gap between reservoir simulation and lift design modeling by creating a continuous highly detailed flow map between the reservoir and tubing.

Completion stability assessment (‘Sanding’)

Designing a well / field development for the worst-case of sand production has a significant impact on the field development plan, type of completion, well productivity/injectivity and overall costs. A completion stability assessment can help optimize both completion and facility design, reducing unnecessary costs and maximizing productivity. Where field re-development is planned (conversion to gas storage, for example), additional analyses may be performed to determine the impact of cyclic loading on rock fatigue to help determine overall project viability. The behavior of injector wells is a specific case, where thermal and pressure transient effects may cause significant formation failure and solids production.

Real / ‘Relevant’ Time Pore Pressure and Geomechanics monitoring for drilling operations

This service allows implementation of geomechanics-based recommendations, and involves monitoring of conditions during drilling using a web-based information system. Direct streaming into a ‘live’ model is possible, with regular updates provided to the client, both in report format and during attendance at meetings such as the Morning Call.

Post-drilling geomechanics assessments

This is a key part of the ‘Lessons Learned’ process, and should be included in the End of Well report. Existing geomechanical models can be updated for future wells and data deficiencies highlighted and incorporated in forward planning.

Contractor supervision / monitoring & peer reviews / assists

We can help you gain the maximum value from existing / ongoing geomechanical studies by monitoring your contractors and providing advice on the interpretation and implementation of third-party study results.